2012 ntep trials

Photo: Plot of V-8 creeping bentgrass showing very good density, texture, and uniformity. Seedling vigor following seeding in September of was greatest with Proclamation, L, Penncross, and Declaration; however, ten other cultivars and selections showed seedling vigor that was very close to these four cultivars Table 2. Cultivars that were slowest to establish were V8 and Penn A By the end of the growing season, most of the plots in this test showed complete turf cover and were able to tolerate daily mowing.

Turfgrass color ratings show that T-1 had the darkest green color, followed by PinUp Table 2. Pure Distinction and Villa exhibited the lightest shade of green. Although genetic color of a cultivar does not influence putting performance, it can make a difference in the aesthetic appeal of the green.

Whereas most people tend to favor darker green over lighter green, P. Color can also be an important factor when blending two or more cultivars. Bentgrasses tend to segregate over time, and a light-green cultivar blended with a dark-green cultivar may lead to a patchy appearance of the putting green.

Differences in dollar spot susceptibility were noticed among bentgrass entries. Both velvet bentgrasses Villa and SR and several creeping bentgrasses showed very good tolerance to dollar spot during the test period Table 2. In past NTEP trials, L and Penn A-1 were among the top performing creeping bentgrasses with respect to dollar spot tolerance, but data from this latest test show improved tolerance among some of the new creeping bentgrasses.

Table 2. Photo: Differences in dollar spot susceptibility among bentgrass cultivars in mid-October of One of the most important factors in selecting a bentgrass cultivar for putting greens is its ability to compete with P.

Poa annua began to move into the test area in , and plots of certain cultivars became more heavily infested than others. Cultivars with the least amount of P. The greatest amount of P. The results of this test reflect cultivar performance for the management regime imposed at this site and environmental conditions in central Pennsylvania. Several popular bentgrasses used on golf courses in the mid-Atlantic region , Penn A-4, Tyee, McKenzie, and others were not included in this test.

A new round of tests was initiated in and contains several new cultivars. Time will tell if the trends for cultivar improvement continue. Let's Stay Connected. By entering your email, you consent to receive communications from Penn State Extension. View our privacy policy. Thank you for your submission! Choosing the right bentgrass cultivar is critical for long-term performance of your putting surfaces. Photo: P. Turfgrass quality V-8, Barracuda, Luminary, Pure Distinction, Focus, and Proclamation tended to receive the highest average quality ratings from Table 1.

V8 Creeping 7. Landschoot, Penn State Seedling vigor Seedling vigor following seeding in September of was greatest with Proclamation, L, Penncross, and Declaration; however, ten other cultivars and selections showed seedling vigor that was very close to these four cultivars Table 2.

Turfgrass color Turfgrass color ratings show that T-1 had the darkest green color, followed by PinUp Table 2. Dollar spot susceptibility Differences in dollar spot susceptibility were noticed among bentgrass entries. Landschoot, Penn State Resistance to P. Peter Landschoot, Ph. If you are interested in submitting an entry or entries, please complete the appropriate forms and submit with your seed or plant material. These trials will be planted at locations across the Southern U.

If you are interested in cooperating with NTEP in evaluating this trial, or have an entry or entries to submit, please complete the appropriate forms and forward to us. The newest tall fescue trial was sent to cooperators for establishment this fall at locations all across the U.

The newest tall fescue trial is scheduled for establishment this fall at locations all across the U. Entry application forms and information can be found below, along with additional trial information.

The trial contains 82 entries, most being new experimentals. Standard trials were sent to 11 locations, while ancillary trials of salt, shade and traffic tolerance, along with sod strength, summer patch and organic maintenance, will be evaluated at a total of 13 locations. Most trial locations will establish the trial this fall, while some northern locations may need to wait until spring. Here is the list of entries and trial locations:. Bluegrass Locations. Attention seed companies and breeders!

Information and application forms for the Kentucky Bluegrass Test can be found here. NTEP will establish a new Kentucky bluegrass test in fall The trial will be planted at numerous locations throughout the U. This trial will be conducted to obtain the information and data identified as important by online survey participants.

The Kentucky bluegrass test parameters can be found here. Highlights of the meeting can be found here. NTEP recently assembled and mailed a new perennial ryegrass trial to its university cooperators.

The trial contains 88 entries, almost all being new experimentals. Standard trials were sent to 14 locations, while ancillary trials of salt, drought and traffic tolerance, along with grey leaf spot and winter overseeding, will be evaluated at a total of 13 locations.

Grey leaf spot trials will be planted in late summer, to facilitate active grey leaf spot infection. NTEP plans many new and exciting evaluations when it tests a new suite of perennial ryegrass cultivars and experimental selections this fall. Ancillary trials of salt, drought and traffic tolerance, along with grey leaf spot and winter overseeding, are planned at a total of 13 locations.

In addition, standard evaluations will be coducted at 14 locations. Here is a detailed explanation of the test locations and protocols. In addition, NTEP has made its entry fee structure more cost effective to those wishing to enter experimental entries. All the information can be found in this memo , including entry application forms and submission procedures. NTEP has received over responses to its survey and has published the results to date.

Go here to view the summarized results. NTEP thanks everyone that completed the survey. We are committed to listening to your comments and responding to your needs. In the future, you will see how NTEP adjusts its programs to address your needs. NTEP want to hear from you!! Please go here to complete our online survey. Thanks for your input! Click here to open and review the document. Also, for NTEP cooperators, information on data submission can be found in the following memo and attachments: Data submission memo Dataform.

For those companies considering submitting entries in the Drought and Traffic Tolerance Trials, information, entry submission forms, etc.

Please note that the deadline for entry submission is August 17th. NTEP is committed to improving its data collection, analysis and reporting.

NTEP has refined its proposals for new trials to be established this fall. Trials testing drought or traffic of cool-season grasses will be initiated at multiple locations in fall The drought trial will be conducted using rainout shelters at three locations and deficit irrigation at three locations. To read more about these trials, click on the links below: Drought trial proposal Drought trial memo to seed companies Traffic trial proposal Traffic trial memo to seed companies.

Here is a summary of the comments from the session. Several key items within the draft were discussed at length. The first trials in the program will be established in fall Drought tolerance will be tested in six locations over two years across the US, while traffic tolerance will be evaluated in eight locations for three years. These new trials will test multiple cool-season grasses at each location. More information on submitting entries and testing protocols: Drought trial entry submission information Drought trial proposal Traffic trial entry submission information Traffic trial proposal.

NTEP recently mailed its trials to cooperators. Bentgrass trials maintained as a fairway or tee, bentgrass maintained as a putting green and fineleaf fescue trials were sent to seventeen locations each. Official trial locations as well as ancillary locations will be conducted for a period of five years.

Click here for updated entry lists for all current trials. Meeting highlights are now available here. In addition, the Policy Committee addressed the issue of trial locations and their ability to produce unbiased data. A statistical review, using correlation coefficients, indentified those locations that varied significantly from the mean of the trial locations within each management regime. This review can be found here. Entry lists and trial locations for the Bermudagrass, St. Attendance was light but feedback from participants was strong.


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