Create symbol files for current file

The linker also embeds the path to the. Symbols are available for any bit system DLL. The calls are listed in the calling order, with the current function the most deeply nested at the top. Seeing exact function names is useful for setting a breakpoint on a function, because function names can be truncated elsewhere in the debugger. Set the web. NET application to debug mode. Debug mode causes ASP. NET to generate symbols for dynamically generated files and enables the debugger to attach to the ASP.

NET application. Visual Studio sets this automatically when you start to debug, if you created your project from the web projects template. You can use the Modules , Call Stack , Locals , Autos , or any Watch window to load symbols or change symbol options while debugging.

For more information, see Get more familiar with how the debugger attaches to your app. During debugging, the Modules window shows the code modules the debugger is treating as user code, or My Code, and their symbol loading status.

You can also monitor symbol loading status, load symbols, and change symbol options in the Modules window. There are several ways for the debugger to break into code that does not have symbol or source files available:. When this happens, the debugger displays the No Symbols Loaded or No Source Loaded pages to help you find and load the necessary symbols or source.

To use the No Symbols Loaded document page to help find and load missing symbols:. If the debugger finds the. Otherwise, it displays a No Source Loaded page that describes the issue, with links to actions that might resolve the issue. You can specify the locations the debugger searches for source files, and exclude specific files from the search. Under Directories containing source code , type or select source code locations to search.

Use the New Line icon to add more locations, the Up and Down arrow icons to reorder them, or the X icon to delete them. The debugger searches only the specified directory. You must add entries for any subdirectories that you want to search. Under Do not look for these source files , type the names of source files to exclude from search. Understand symbol files and Visual Studio symbol settings. NET remote symbol loading changes in Visual Studio and Skip to main content.

This browser is no longer supported. Download Microsoft Edge More info. Contents Exit focus mode. Specify symbol. Is this page helpful? Please rate your experience Yes No. All of the C arithmetic operators are provided. You may reference, define, and create global variables. You may call special purpose built-in functions.

For example, the following all refer to the same quantity:. Unless quoted, symbol names start with a letter, underscore, or point and may include any letters, underscores, digits, points, and hyphens.

Unquoted symbol names must not conflict with any keywords. Since the. Assigning a value to the. This may be used to create holes in the output section. The location counter may never be moved backwards.

Then file2 appears, also with a byte gap following before file3 is loaded. The linker uses "lazy evaluation" for expressions; it only calculates an expression when absolutely necessary. The linker needs the value of the start address, and the lengths of memory regions, in order to do any linking at all; these values are computed as soon as possible when the linker reads in the command file. However, other values such as symbol values are not known or needed until after storage allocation.

Such values are evaluated later, when other information such as the sizes of output sections is available for use in the symbol assignment expression. You may create global symbols, and assign values addresses to global symbols, using any of the C assignment operators:.

Two things distinguish assignment from other operators in ld expressions. You must place a trailing semicolon " ; " at the end of an assignment statement. The first two cases are equivalent in effect--both define a symbol with an absolute address. The last case defines a symbol whose address is relative to a particular section see section Specifying Output Sections.

When a linker expression is evaluated and assigned to a variable, it is given either an absolute or a relocatable type. An absolute expression type is one in which the symbol contains the value that it will have in the output file; a relocatable expression type is one in which the value is expressed as a fixed offset from the base of a section. The type of the expression is controlled by its position in the script file. A symbol assigned within a section definition is created relative to the base of the section; a symbol assigned in any other place is created as an absolute symbol.

Since a symbol created within a section definition is relative to the base of the section, it will remain relocatable if relocatable output is requested. For example, to create an absolute symbol whose address is the last byte of an output section named. For instance, the sizes of sections cannot be known until after allocation, so assignments dependent upon these are not performed until after allocation.

If the result of an expression is required, but the value is not available, then an error results. In some cases, it is desirable for a linker script to define a symbol only if it is referenced, and only if it is not defined by any object included in the link. The command language includes a number of built-in functions for use in link script expressions. Primarily useful to assign an absolute value to a symbol within a section definition, where symbol values are normally section-relative.

It is read for its symbols and for the contents of pure memory. It is also the program executed when you use the run command. If you do not specify a directory and the file is not found in the GDB working directory, GDB uses the environment variable PATH as a list of directories to search, just as the shell does when looking for a program to run. You can change the value of this variable, for both GDB and your program, using the path command.

You can load unlinked object. Also, if the underlying BFD functionality supports it, you could use gdb -write to patch object files using this technique. Note that GDB can neither interpret nor modify relocations in this case, so branches and some initialized variables will appear to go to the wrong place.

But this feature is still handy from time to time. Specify that the program to be run but not the symbol table is found in filename. Omitting filename means to discard information on the executable file. Read symbol table information from file filename. PATH is searched when necessary.

Use the file command to get both symbol table and program to run from the same file. If an optional offset is specified, it is added to the start address of each section in the symbol file. The symbol-file command causes GDB to forget the contents of some breakpoints and auto-display expressions. This is because they may contain pointers to the internal data recording symbols and data types, which are part of the old symbol table data being discarded inside GDB. When GDB is configured for a particular environment, it understands debugging information in whatever format is the standard generated for that environment; you may use either a GNU compiler, or other compilers that adhere to the local conventions.

Best results are usually obtained from GNU compilers; for example, using GCC you can generate debugging information for optimized code. For most kinds of object files, with the exception of old SVR3 systems using COFF, the symbol-file command does not normally read the symbol table in full right away.

Instead, it scans the symbol table quickly to find which source files and which symbols are present. The details are read later, one source file at a time, as they are needed. The purpose of this two-stage reading strategy is to make GDB start up faster. For the most part, it is invisible except for occasional pauses while the symbol table details for a particular source file are being read.

The set verbose command can turn these pauses into messages if desired. See Optional Warnings and Messages. We have not implemented the two-stage strategy for COFF yet. When the symbol table is stored in COFF format, symbol-file reads the symbol table data in full right away.

See --readnever. Traditionally, core files contain only some parts of the address space of the process that generated them; GDB can access the executable file itself for other parts. Note that the core file is ignored when your program is actually running under GDB. So, if you have been running your program and you wish to debug a core file instead, you must kill the subprocess in which the program is running. To do this, use the kill command see Killing the Child Process.

The add-symbol-file command reads additional symbol table information from the file filename. You would use this command when filename has been dynamically loaded by some other means into the program that is running.

If a section is omitted, GDB will use its default addresses as found in filename. Any address or textaddress can be given as an expression. If an optional offset is specified, it is added to the start address of each section, except those for which the address was specified explicitly.

The symbol table of the file filename is added to the symbol table originally read with the symbol-file command. You can use the add-symbol-file command any number of times; the new symbol data thus read is kept in addition to the old. Although filename is typically a shared library file, an executable file, or some other object file which has been fully relocated for loading into a process, you can also load symbolic information from relocatable.

Some embedded operating systems, like Sun Chorus and VxWorks, can load relocatable files into an already running program; such systems typically make the requirements above easy to meet. Remove a symbol file added via the add-symbol-file command. The file to remove can be identified by its filename or by an address that lies within the boundaries of this symbol file in memory.


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