Vampire - the masquerade bloodlines v7.2 update patch
Left 4 Dead meets tactical shooting in this co-op encounter of the parasitic shape-shifting kind. Join us as we go through the best games of the year, one day at a time from January A list of the 10 games or gaming experiences that didn't make our final AusGamers Top 10 Games of list, but still deserved a highlight list of their own We take a look at the big releases across each platform for the kick-off month of January ….
Description: Version Changelog: v8. Improved cameras of Nines' intro, roof exit and epilogue cutscenes. Fixed claws usage in gallery, Hallowbrook Hotel and Grout's mansion. Corrected Yukie and Pisha dialogue issues and restored Nines' line. Restored Venture Tower bodies after Sabbat attack, thanks to Malkav.
Removed illogical first SM quest info and fixed minor text details. Fixed impossible warrens start location and teleporting at junkyard. Added cfg and scripts for modding, thanks to Dheu and EntenSchreck. Restored three more histories for each clan and minor level details. Removed most restored models, skins, icons and key binds from basic.
Reduced slime particles at temple and hid observatory debug switch. Corrected Ocean House quests not closing if you refused the gallery. Fixed minor map problems and many dialogue details, thanks to Fabio.
Corrected Luckee Star hotel easter egg and Gimble intercom problem. Re-fixed hostess bug and added crosshair to free view melee weapons. Fixed bugs with Ash and Chastity quests and with the medical guard. I found the lockpick at the train yard.
So it actually is possible to skip the tutorial, although the lockpick in such a non-obvious place unless it's random each time that you're better off getting it through the console. Another note - with high enough Inspection, you can see through Knox's story and call him out on it. Ane you get some XP for it, too. KiThirsty 10 years ago 5. Randomly placed items is listed under 1. I was looking at the manual that comes with the Clan Quest Mod and I double checked - that information is not in it.
I see it really is based on Inspection, which is cool - there is finally some use for it. As for the lockpick - I don't really know. I always play through the tutorial, just for the hell of it. I seem to recall you couldn't get the lockpick any other way in vanilla, although I may be wrong.
The lockpick was always there but the z coordinate was wrong so it ended up inside the earth :! Damn those three dimensions :D Just glad the games are not 4D, eh? Psalm51 10 years ago 9. Height, width, artificial depth and real depth combined. Are we getting to clever, do you think! I recall being able to get the professor to discuss how he found the sarcophagus with Inspection 8 or so was in one of the faqs; came with the 7.
Not worth it IMO. More topics from this board Stylish Haven. Why does the game freeze whenever i put in a console code? General 3 Answers Nosferatu haven? Tech Support 2 Answers Need help in finding M. Side Quest 2 Answers. Ask A Question. Or can you tell me how it was added? I am also experiencing the bug when you drop down the nosfertu warrens from warrens 4 - the nos warrens wouldnt load. Install RC3 on top and continue from a save before you went to the Giovannis I really appriciete the effort you guys put into UP, please keep up the good work and make it less buggier.
I too have experienced the same bug when I press "E" on the sarcophagus it takes me outside giovanni mansion with no cutscene and there is an invisible wall so you cant get past the gates. I searched for a solution for this bug, but only found others having the same bug:.
A loading screen should pop up but instead it teleports you outside of the mansion and you get stuck. How do i start the game with the patch applied?
The patch installer tells me he created some executables, but it did not. The only executable is the original one and that obviously does not start the game with the patch on it. Thanks for all your hard work!