Lab manual for biology labs on line
The students will learn how to use the scientific method with the first lab and be able to continue the process throughout the lab manual. The first edition manual is an ideal manual for those looking for basic biology principles including: pH, biological membranes, the light microscope, properties of water, comparison of animal and plant cells, osmosis and diffusion, cellular respiration, fermentation, and DNA extraction.
The labs are designed so that materials are available at home or may be purchased at local stores. The labs do not involve any chemicals that must be used in a supervised school setting. Of course, caution and safety should still be observed when completing these and all other labs. AP Biology Lab Manual. In each investigation, you will find the following: Background information Tips for designing and conducting investigations Lists of materials and supplies Methods of analyzing and evaluating your results Means of communicating your results and conclusions Suggestions for additional investigative activities Copies of this book may be ordered online through the College Board Store.
Lab Notebooks and College Credit Colleges may require students to present their laboratory materials from AP science courses before granting college credit for laboratory, so students are encouraged to retain their laboratory notebooks, reports, and other materials.
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This title is out of print. Michael A. Palladino Robert Desharnais Jeffrey Bell. Availability This title is out of print.