Genetic game
Chromosomes that have the same type of gene in the same place are called homologous chromosomes. The corresponding genes, called alleles, can be slightly different even between homologous chromosomes.
When DNA replicates itself, it sometimes does an imperfect job, causing mutations. Since DNA codes for the creation of proteins, these mutations can affect how proteins are made, which in turn affects how traits are expressed in an organism.
A preview of each game in the learning objective is found below. You can access all of the games on Legends of Learning for free, forever, with a teacher account. All knowledge is interwoven with the game-mechanics. This creates the effect of learning by playing. Show more. Follow Us. Follow us on Discord opens in a new window Follow us on Discord opens in a new window Follow us on Facebook opens in a new window Follow us on Facebook opens in a new window Follow us on Twitter opens in a new window Follow us on Twitter opens in a new window.
External Links. You can see your cross history and a summary of each vial, along with any notes that are attached to the vials. CGS lab. Classical Genetics Simulator A web-based genetics lab, allowing students to apply lessons in Mendelian genetics to real-world scenarios. Why use a computer simulation? Many generations of genetic inheritance can be studied more quickly than with live organisms Organisms do not need to be created or destroyed CGS is customizable and easy to use.
Drosophila Vials Investigate wild populations and trait linkage. Arabidopsis Plants Observe genotype and phenotype segregation patterns. Chi Squared Statistics Use statistics to support your findings. Our Approach Humans have evolved to recognize patterns and solve visual problems efficiently.
Genome Biology, R Singh, F. Ahsan, M. Blanchette, J. Lessons from an online massive genomics computer game.