Bristol resnet setup
If you encounter problems connecting to ResNet Wired with your XP computer, IT Services will be unable to give you much help in the way of troubleshooting. Much simpler for you, and much easier for us to support! The super-high-speed ResNet Wired service will be staying around, and will not be changing.
Customers in those locations should see an improvement in signal strength and reliability as a result of this work. Most notably, we hope to be installing additional wireless points in Deans Court 26 new wireless points and Unite House 36 new wireless points in the near future. Internet speeds are limited by the slowest technology in the path in the chain.
There are two main wireless technologies on ResNet Wireless, We have the newer, faster Although these tests were done using an actual ResNet Wireless connection, your wireless connection might well be slower. Our tests were done at a quiet time of day, and we were sat in the same room as the wireless router. If all your flatmates are using ResNet Wireless at the same time as you, or if there are any walls between you and the access point then you can expect your wireless speeds to be a bit slower than ours.
ResNet Wired. To set up your computer to use ResNet Wired, just plug your computer into the ResNet socket in your room using the cable provided and follow the connection guide we gave you when you moved in. The graph in this post also shows how many of those customers have only ever used their wireless connection people! Wireless is clearly going to be a big thing this year, but if you want a much faster connection than the wireless provides, you really should give ResNet Wired a spin.
Starting on Thursday 8th December our contractors will be on-site installing cabling and 21 Wireless Access Points to flat hallways — access should not be required to your room so the disruption should be minimal. We do not have a completion date but hope the installation will be completed before Christmas Update The cabling contractor has now completed their installation. Update The wireless should now be alive and ready to use.
Connect to the ResNet-Setup network and open your web browser. Starting on Friday 18th November our contractors will be on-site installing cabling and 30 Wireless Access Points to flat hallways — access should not be required to your room so the disruption should be minimal. We do not have a completion date but hope the installation will be completed before the end of the term 16th December Update All cables have been installed but only some have been terminated.
Swicthes are installed. We are a waiting for completion of cable termination which we expect to be next week. We are looking into fixing the two that have never come alive either today or tomorrow. We hope you enjoy using Wireless ResNet. After an unexpected initial delay we are now pleased to announce that ResNet wireless at Wills Hall is now fully functional.
To setup your wireless devices please connect to the ResNet-Setup wireless signal, open a web browser, and follow the on-screen instructions. We are still waiting for the cabling contractor to finish at Churchill Hall but we expect to have this fully functional before the end of Freshers week. This is 17 hours quicker than last year which is really great. Wireless ResNet has over distinct customers connected and wired ResNet has over If you cannot remember your password or username then please visit the Service Desk in the Computer Centre with photo ID.
ResNet is now live for ! If you are a new student arriving in Bristol everything will be ready for you to get online when you arrive. Important maintenance work on the power supply to the Stoke Bishop area will be taking place on the 7th and 8th April between 8am and 4pm. The following locations will have power, but no network ResNet, Wireless, Admin Network or telephone connectivity:. On the other hand if you are one of the still to connect not being online can be frustrating.
Come in person and bring some ID to prove who you are, and you can then set a new password on the spot. The IT Help Desk is open for visitors from 8. The first and easiest way to get help is to phone the R esNet start of term hotline. Open 9am — 5pm Monday — Friday, there are lots of extra staff at this time of year to help you out. Ring on internal from your room free of charge, or If you ring us from your room with your computer in front of you we can sort out most ResNet problems there and then.
Another option is the Student Laptop Clinic. The next clinic is on Tuesday 5th October, and then there are more clinics throughout Freshers week and the rest of term. See the website for the time and location of clinics.
If your problem is less urgent, try our new website AskIT! There you can ask questions about any personal-owned and mobile IT equipment you would like help on. Congratulations if you received your A Level results yesterday and secured a place at Bristol for !
If you will be living in University halls and houses you can use ResNet to connect to the Internet from your study bedroom. ResNet provides a high speed connection to the Internet, faster than you are used to at home. Everything is available in your residence for you to connect the day you arrive.
For more info see www. This is in addition to the student accommodation at other properties on Osborne Villas, which were already connected. We were able to connect these staff houses as they are adjacent to other buildings which already have ResNet, and we could extend the network to them at a reasonable cost. Unfortunately most small university-owned staff houses are more isolated, and connecting those is prohibitively expensive.
ResNet is of course already available in all student residences in the Accommodation Prospectus, and is available to new full-time undergraduate, Study Abroad and International Foundation programme students who meet the terms of the Accommodation Guarantee. If in any doubt as to whether ResNet is available in your residence, please see where can I get ResNet? Thanks for using ResNet this year! The university is looking to create a new email for life service for students and alumni.
This would be provided under contract with the university by either Google or Microsoft. In the unlikely event that something which previously worked, now does not, then please contact the Help Desk via the usual channels. This is one in a series of newsletters sent occasionally to ResNet subscribers. Please see the bottom of this message to unsubscribe if you wish.
You can also read this newsletter on our blog at www. Our first newsletter introduced you to the free Student Laptop Clinic. At the end of April Facebook made some changes, and some people are very unhappy about it. Facebook has gradually shifted. Facebook classes some of what you put up as public information and makes it available to all — your family, future employers, anyone. This includes your profile picture and what pages you are a fan of.
Now is a great time to check your privacy settings on Facebook, and be aware of what you put up there. Facebook has gradually changed. It started off as a tool to share information about yourself within a group of friends, or a community such as a university. It has reduced the control you have over your information, encouraging you to share information with the world. This is something to be aware of in how you use Facebook, especially as public information about you on the Internet hangs around for ages — indexed by search engines and marketing firms, available to future employers, family — anyone.
The important point is to be aware what information is public, and treat it accordingly. The annoying part is that Facebook keep changing the rules! Your friends list being public is an interesting one. On the Internet, as in the real world, people can make assumptions about you on the basis of the company you keep. The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete and the closing date is Thursday 22 February.
How to reset your connection to work with a new computer. You may find that you can use Mulberry, MSN Messenger, etc but only access internal web pages and if your home page is something from outside the university this will look as if the web is completely broken. This can happen if your computer looses the web proxy settings. It is easy to fix — see configuring your web browser to use the proxy server. After that we will be open weekdays from Weds 3rd Jan 2pm — 5pm.
Please visit in person to pay, or phone internal or for technical support. For less urgent enquiries please email resnet-help bristol.
If you are going home for the Christmas vacation you can still access your email and other computing facilities, from anywhere with an Internet connection. The ResNet help desk will be open over the vacation but with reduced opening hours. The help desk will be closed completely for the period between Christmas and New Year, when the rest of the University is also closed.
We are able to do this as demand on ResNet over the vacation is lower. This means you can use up to 40GB offsite bandwidth per week. From Monday January 8th the usual 10GB a week limit will return. We are able to do this as most people are not in residence over the vacation so demand on ResNet is much lower than normal. If you track your usage with Manage My ResNet it will show your correct usage in GB, but may have the wrong figures for your usage as a percentage of your allocation.
However if your usage is higher than 40GB in this period you might be placed in the heavy users network from Monday 8th January onwards. Very very few people use this much bandwidth in any case. For email, use webmail or Mulberry both of which are available within and outside the University. For other services, such as electronic library resources, see remote access to University resources or read the remote access leaflet printed copies available in libraries and at help desks. Please see using SmartSieve to set up or change a vacation message.
If you are staying in your room in University accommodation over the vacation you can carry on using the ResNet connection in your room. You can use Manage My ResNet to transfer your connection to another room, connect a new computer, or other common tasks.
The ResNet help desk will be open over the vacation but with reduced opening hours details to follow. It will be closed completely for the period between Christmas and New Year, when the rest of the University is also closed. From around February, new computers will be supplied with Vista. By that time we hope to have a version of McAfee available. There may be other software in use within the University that is still being tested even then.
If you are concerned that your ResNet traffic usage may push you over the ResNet fair usage policy , have a look. It seems very fashionable to have Beta software and Check my network usage certainly is beta not fashionable. We are in the process of enhancing it but for now it does exactly what it says on the tin. Are you thinking of buying a new computer at Christmas?
We have selected a range of Toshiba laptops we think are suitable and good value for students. These are available from our supplier at the same discount that the University gets.
Most importantly you get a three year warranty with the laptop — this gives you peace of mind if anything goes wrong, and is normally an expensive extra from most suppliers.
The survey feedback will be used to further improve the Portal, which will be released for the autumn term If you would like to test the portal and give your feedback to improve it, please send an email to majordomo bristol. It seems very fashionable these days to have Beta software and this certainly is beta not fashionable ;-.
Update : Comments are now closed as there have been no genuine comments submitted since December, only spam. If you want to comment on this article, please email the ResNet Helpdesk. Just one item in this ResNet newsletter.
We also want to get your views on the changes. We are introducing a new fair usage policy for ResNet. This specifies the total amount you can upload or download per week on your ResNet connection. We are setting this at 10 Gigabytes of data transferred a week. We are doing this to help us provide the best service we can to everyone. This puts a strain on the limited capacity of our Internet link. Bringing this traffic under control a little will improve the performance for all.
It should particularly improve the connection for people using Skype, other Internet telephony systems, and online gamers, as these are all time sensitive and suffer most if there is congestion. In any week if you are one of the heavier users and go over the limit, you will receive an email to let you know this, so you have a chance to reduce your usage the following week.
If you want to read the details, see the fair usage policy If you would like to give your views, please email us or post comments on our ResNet blog www. We would welcome thoughts from people both for and against, and suggestions for changes. Please read the details of the the fair usage policy first as many questions are answered in there. As well as the fair usage policy, we are as always taking other steps to improve ResNet performance.
Over the summer we put in gigabit connections to all the large halls, and upgraded the raw connection speed to each room. Over the next few months we are trialling a new bandwidth management system, and we have plans to increase the total capacity of our Internet link.
Update We are working on a page that you can access from Manage my ResNet. We hope to have this up and running in a basic, but informative, way in the next couple of days. This email is being sent to all ResNet subscribers with tips and advice to get the most out of your connection. Ever need to send a large file to someone else within or outside the University? Instant messaging is another option, but it can be slow.
Using Fluff it is easy to send files up to MB in size to anyone else, or to large groups of people. People work, play, shop, date and arrange their social life on the net.
What tracks do you leave behind? How much information about you is available out there? Would you want a future employer to see your Facebook entry? There is no need for this to happen. Make backup copies of your data to keep it safe. Did you know that from our website you can view and update your ResNet account details — check your subscription period, move your ResNet connection to another room, or connect a different computer to your socket?
Do you know what is really running on your computer? Without your knowledge you may have spyware. If so your computer may slow down, get lots of pop up adverts, extra toolbars, your home page keeps changing or you get sent to unwanted websites.
The main purpose of spyware is to give you extra advertising. As part of this it collects and reports back your personal information such as what websites you visit, invading your privacy. Sometimes it breaks your Internet connection completely. Most people use Internet Explorer to browse the web. For starters Firefox is much better protected against spyware than Internet Explorer. To get Firefox to work on ResNet you need to tell it to use our web proxy server — we have an easy tool that does this for you.
We now have over students successfully connected to ResNet. If you need any help connecting, you can phone the ResNet Help Desk on free internal call from your room. ResNet Chat is new for ResNet this autumn. There are chatrooms for each hall, and a special Orbital students out of hall room for the student houses. You can add your friends as private contacts, see when they are online and message them.
If you are a new student you will have been given an initial password as part of registration. Did you know that you can choose an easy to remember personal email address at the University? For example, instead of having jd bristol as your mailname you could be Jon. To choose your own personal mailname go to Request for personal mailname.
Yesterday was pretty busy, but we now have people registered on ResNet, which is pretty good going as most people only arrived on Sunday. Please ring them to arrange an appointment. Some of these letters got misprinted, with the wrong contact info on them — on Monday we texted the people affected with updated info, so please check your phone. Sorry about that — and really sorry to some of our staff from last year who have left but got the phone calls!
Alternatively uninstall IE 7 and use IE 6 instead. Now comes the real challenge. This weekend most of the Freshers move in. ResNet packs are available in your hall or house — either already in your room, or ask your senior resident, hall office, or porters. Most people can get themselves sorted on ResNet by following the instructions in your packs. If you have any problems, please have a look at the troubleshooting guide stapled at the back of your how to connect guide.
There are chatrooms for your hall or house, or you can add your friends as private contacts, see when they are online and message them. Think of your chatroom as the online equivalent of your hall bar though sadly without the cheap beer! Some students moved in at the weekend, especially overseas students at Unite House, Chantry Court, Deans Court and Woodland Court so today is the first full day people have been hooking up to ResNet. At time of writing we have people successfully connected, and over application forms processed.
For the latest figures live have a peak at ResNet uptake stats if you want. If you are having problems connecting to ResNet please phone our tech people on our ResNet Help Desk number — free of charge from the phone in your room.
The ResNet service for the new year is now ready. Please ask your hall office, porters lodge or senior resident for your pack contains cable, CD and instructions. Then follow the instructions in your pack to connect. To pay for ResNet, you can either send us an application form with a cheque, or visit to pay in person by cash or credit card. You can connect to ResNet before paying, and use ResNet for a seven day free trial.
What does the upgrade mean in practice? Maybe not much at all. However for internal traffic, such as accessing resources on Blackboard or sending a file to a friend using Fluff transfers should now be quicker. It should be set to Auto, so it will work on either a 10Mbit or Mbit network.
Now the busiest Mbit links have been upgraded to Gigabit, so we should be able to provide Mbit to each room. At the moment this is just a test — we might need to adjust it and make further changes — but we hope it will all work out over the next few months and we will be able to make this a permanent change.
This means that even if very rarely we hope! You can read it on your mobile phone with Internet access, or anywhere else, independent of ResNet. More seriously, if there are controversial issues — like how much we should restrain the small number of heaviest ResNet users in order to speed up the service for everyone else — we can debate it here.
Hosted by Bristol Blogs. Subscribe to feed. Windows XP and ResNet. ResNet Langford — Routine Maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. See Update This morning we lost the network link to Stoke Bishop at approximately We will post an update here when we have more information.
ResNet Network Maintenance — Completed. Additional wireless installed at Churchill and Goldney. How fast is your ResNet connection? However, neither of those factors effect the ResNet Wired service! ResNet Wired Blimey! ResNet Newsletter 1. What is the speed difference between ResNet Wireless and Wired? ResNet Wireless Langford. Summer work with IT Services. They will be tasked with: Refreshing our PCs in student study spaces Reviewing current machines in computer rooms and other areas, installing replacements where needed Producing a set of webpages for students describing all our IT-equipped study spaces Improving notices and signage in computer rooms — e.
This is the third ResNet newsletter of the year sent to ResNet subscribers. Merry Christmas to everyone at Woodland Court! To try AskIT go to askit. Wireless at Wills Hall. ResNet launched for autumn ! Welcome to Bristol! ResNet Newsletter 5. New, Faster, ResNet! Making your usage quota easier to understand Currently you have two bandwidth quotas, one for off-peak and one for on-peak times of day.
Making your connection even faster! Apart from it being obvious that faster is better! ResNet Newsletter 4. This is the fourth ResNet newsletter of the year sent to ResNet subscribers. Your hall office should be able to answer any further queries that you may have. Badock Hall Churchill Hall. ResNet Newsletter 3. This is the third ResNet newsletter of the year, also sent by email to ResNet subscribers. New Computer for Christmas? Windows Bandwidth Gadget… Fixed! New titles this year include: Word Using foreign languages Excel level 3: Making the most of Excel.
This is the first ResNet newsletter of the year, also sent by email to ResNet subscribers. Go to toys. Getting help with ResNet. Apply online for ResNet New students can register online with the University and then apply for ResNet from 21st September.
I want to get a new computer for university — what should I get? For example: Should I get a laptop or a netbook? Should I get a Windows laptop or a Mac laptop? ResNet for new students autumn ResNet extended to staff accommodation in Osborne Villas. Major expansion of ResNet Wireless. Have your say on a new email service for Bristol students The university is looking to create a new email for life service for students and alumni. Leaving halls? Regards, the ResNet team The university is looking to create a new email for life service for students and in time alumni.
This would be available to all new students after a certain date, while current students could opt in to it. A new email service for Bristol students — have your say. The university is looking to create a new email for life service for students and in time alumni. If nothing has changed then why have we done this? ResNet Newsletter 3: Laptop clinics moved, Facebook and privacy. Why the fuss about Facebook and privacy? Some of your information is not automatically public, but is visible to your friends ok?
By default some pretty sensitive stuff like relationship status, photos you are tagged in, your birthday, and religious and political views can be shared this way. If you are logged into Facebook, this allows websites you visit to see information from your Facebook profile and customise themselves accordingly. Facebook to English translator. Why is Facebook dead set on pushing limits of privacy? ResNet Newsletter 2: Usage widget, uni on your mobile, free antivirus software.
Access the university on your mobile Do you have an iPhone, Android device or other mobile phone with Internet access? Free antivirus software Has your antivirus software run out? Our supplier has told us that we should expect the switches this week. We then need to configure them and install them in the cabinets in the houses. Switches are in but we are waiting to have them configured. Sorry things took a little longer than expected but we got there in the end.
Then open a web browser and follow the on screen instructions. So it would really help us out if you could fill in our short 1 page survey. Identity Theft — Who is Alex Davies? Keeping our identities safe is not something many of us think about, but have you considered how much personal information you give away on a daily basis? Advances in technology have made communication quicker, easier and more effective, but have also made more of our personal information available and easier to access.
You can take some simple steps to protect yourself, and it could save you time, money and a lot of hassle in the long run! Oversights such as not checking bank statements unfamiliar transactions are common, but can prove extremely costly. There will be some maintenance work happening on the electrical supply to Wills Hall, The Holmes and Durdham Hall on the 13th Feb Telephone service may also be interrupted. Connect to wifi For laptops, phones, tablets You can connect to the eduroam wireless service in all University accommodation and everywhere around the University campus and buildings.
Wired connections If you need to use a wired connection, for instance, with a desktop PC that does not have wireless capability, you can use the ResNet Wired connection in most residences by downloading the installer. Life in Bristol. Facebook Twitter Instagram.